
I’m often asked what inspired me to become a massage therapist…

I joke that I woke up one morning, looked up at the ceiling, and asked the universe, “What do I want to do with my life?” The universe whispered, “Massage Therapy” in my ear, to which I replied, “Why?”

Looking back, it makes sense that I would want to become a massage therapist. My mother and older sister both battled with pain killer addictions before they passed away. After spending my youth watching them struggle with chronic pain, I became curious about what other pain prevention options were out there and have dedicated my career to learn as much as I can about pain and holistic options for pain relief and prevention.

I believe that the body is a miraculous vessel that is capable of incredible healing if given the tools and resources necessary. In my practice, I offer several tools and resources so each client can feel confident in taking their healing back into their own hands.